Pageless Books and Success

A Journal of the Creation, Building, Opportunities and Successes of the Home-Based Business Ventures!

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Ebay?... Of Course!

Just a quick aside to say how much I have enjoyed running my AutoHits Software package. I set it up last night and, while I was sleeping, I was getting traffic sent to my sites. I highly recommend getting this program... ok, enough of that, I just think it's cool! Now, on to today's post:


If you are looking for more expert eBay tactics, I can't recommend The Auction Revolution enough! Click here to look at John Reese's Story. I used the great ideas on his site to save $100's of dollars in fees weekly AND I made Power Seller in less than 90 days. No kidding! -Rob

E-bay! It's getting hotter out there.

Selling stuff on

eBay is as easy as looking around your house for something you're not using anymore. Have an old instrument you never got around to learning how to play? Clothes the kids have outgrown? Inherit a collection of antique jars?Why not auction and/or sell them on eBay?!!!

I think it's a good idea to start your eBay career by auctioning off whatever's in your basement, closets or attic. Choose small, low-priced items: they'll be easy to ship, easy to sell, and you won't be risking a lot of cash. These early auctions are mostly for you to gain some experience. If you make some money, that's terrific, but don't jump in HUGE until you have learned from trial, error, fun and experts. It would be a shame for you to try to sell your heirlooms for much less than you expected. It's a good idea to wait until you have a better grasp of the auction process before you try selling or consigning more expensive items.

Items that typically do well on eBay are:

Clothing: Both new and used clothing sells very well on eBay. no one's going to split with their hard-earned money for totally worthless pieces of junk, but if you have some designer shoes that were only worn once because they hurt your feet, there's no reason you can't auction them off for some decent money.

Books, Videos, and Games: These are so easy because you don't even need a digital camera. In most cases, you just put the title, UPC or ISBN number into e-bay and e-bay will do the rest! How hard is that?

Lastly, watch

eBay's Promotional Calendar. Seller Central provides some valuable information and tips. One of the most helpful areas to check out within this section--especially around the holidays--is eBay's promotional calendar, which lets you know the featured categories of products that eBay is going to promote on its homepage over the coming months. If your products are in those categories, you stand a good chance of getting more money and exposure to your listings.

If you are looking for more expert eBay tactics, I can't recommend The Auction Revolution enough! Click here to look at John Reese's Story. I used the great ideas on his site to save $100's of dollars in fees weekly AND I made Power Seller in less than 90 days. No kidding! -Rob

Best profitable wishes, Pagelessbooks

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Getting Hits to Your Website


It's all about the hits! You can have a great, professional, and well designed user--friendly web presence, but if you don't get the page views, you won't make the money. It's that simple.

What are some ways to
get the hits? Here are just a few suggestions to ponder:

Submit your site to search engines. This may seem obvious, but a lot of people don't do that, hoping that the spiders will somehow magically find their site. While this may happen, why leave it up to chance? There are some great programs out there that will help you do your submissions quickly and for free. One of my favorites is

Use meta tags. Good and presice meta tags will get yourwebsite listed higher in the search engines that use them .
How to use them to get them to work is listed here.

Advertise your site. Wherever you are, and whatever you do, you should talk up your site. Your email should have your site URL, and possibly a small blurb about what people can find there. If you are willing to spend the money, you can get business cards, shirts, toys, novelties, and more to give away with your site URL on them. Keep in mind, I am not advocating sending unsolicited email or annoying your friends with commentary about your site, but if you write a site about dogs and don't tell your Doberman loving friend about the fawn dobie photos you just put up on your site, you are missing out on a marketing opportunity.

Keep you customers coming back to the site. If you have a site that changes on a regular basis, and has lots of good information, your readers will return. Get viral and encourage your current cutomers to refer friends to your site, etc.

I also think you need to belong to as many forums and free sign up sites. There are hundreds out there, but if you want a program that manages them all, use the
AutoHits Software package. Normally, this program goes for $99+, but I carry it for for less here:
Auto Hits


Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Don't Call Me a Chicken! -James Dean.

Today's Quote:
"Do the Thing You Fear Most and the Death of Fear is Certain." - Mark Twain

I can't get over how many people have been layed off and/or had to change jobs in the last year. In fact, statistics say that the average American will go through at least 10+ job changes over the course of their lifetime.

The Good News is that unemployment in the U.S. is below 5% which, economists say, is FULL-EMPLOYMENT. This means that everyone who wants a job and can work, has a job or can get a job.


1. The jobs available may not be the jobs that you want

2. The available jobs may not pay what you want to earn

3. The available jobs may have a work schedule that conflicts with your life and family

4. The available jobs have no guarantee of job security. NONE.

Ok, so most people don't start their own business because:

  • they don't know what business they want to start
  • they don't think that they will get the money want to earn
  • they think that they time needed to start their own business will interfere with their time
  • and they don't think that they will have any kind of job security doing it.

Does this make sense? If so, let me ask you...

What's the FREAKING difference between doing your own thing and working for someone else?

In fact, I will argue that owning your own thing:

Gives you the freedom to CHOOSE where you want to work and what field you work at
Gives you the freedom of unlimited potential to earn anything you want instead of earning what some bone-head (whose job it is to pay you as little as he/she can get away with) thinks you are worth
Gives you the freedom to work at your own pace and every hour worked is a 100% investment in your freedom, wealth, and knowledge
Promotes your financial security by giving you a crash course in management, marketing, accounting, creativity, finance, etc..... Ask any Human Resource Director and they will tell you that someone who ran their own business is usually more capable, interesting, accomplished and visionary than the typical clock-puncher. HANDS DOWN.

So, I ask again, "What are you waiting for?" Start your business now! You have more to lose by not doing it than by doing it and "failing." In fact, I will say that you can't fail. You may lose a bit of money, but you will gain more experience, knowledge and perspective in trying to start and run your own business than you will from any 4-year college. GO FOR IT!

Need a place to start? Start by selling information, like I do. Get the i-profit package and give it a whirl. That's how I got started and now I make as much as $100-200 each day just from that one package with only an hour each day to maintain the business. Who couldn't use an extra $40-60,ooo a year?

You can also try searching my success database here.

Go for it!

Best Wishes

Sunday, March 05, 2006


Sunday is eBay listing day!

I like listing my e-bay auctions on Sundays. This is the day I do the bulk of my listing on eBay. In my humble opinion I think it's better to have your items close at night on the (especially Sunday) because people are home and are more likely to be surfing. Some of the experts that I read may say that it's ok to list things anytime because people can use an auction sniper program to place last second bids on your behalf no matter where you are.

I think that I will have a very productive "ebay day" today because I got up early and my office is clean. I don't know about you, but I cannot get motivated when my working space is cluttered. That reminds me, If you are working from home, I plead with you to create a space... Preferably a separate room if you can (think Schedule C tax benefit for devoting a space and resources to your business! CHA-CHING!) that is soley devoted to your business.

When you enter this area, you are in your business. My current office is a $10,000+ powerhouse, but it wasn't always that way. I used to do all my work on an old computer and a donated metal desk in my dining room. Hey, it worked! The point is, that place was exclusive to my work and nothing else. It was a place to focus on the business.

In your small business, you need a place that serves as your business location. Devote a place and certain items (supplies, a computer, etc.) exclusively to your business.
