Pageless Books and Success

A Journal of the Creation, Building, Opportunities and Successes of the Home-Based Business Ventures!

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Getting Hits to Your Website


It's all about the hits! You can have a great, professional, and well designed user--friendly web presence, but if you don't get the page views, you won't make the money. It's that simple.

What are some ways to
get the hits? Here are just a few suggestions to ponder:

Submit your site to search engines. This may seem obvious, but a lot of people don't do that, hoping that the spiders will somehow magically find their site. While this may happen, why leave it up to chance? There are some great programs out there that will help you do your submissions quickly and for free. One of my favorites is

Use meta tags. Good and presice meta tags will get yourwebsite listed higher in the search engines that use them .
How to use them to get them to work is listed here.

Advertise your site. Wherever you are, and whatever you do, you should talk up your site. Your email should have your site URL, and possibly a small blurb about what people can find there. If you are willing to spend the money, you can get business cards, shirts, toys, novelties, and more to give away with your site URL on them. Keep in mind, I am not advocating sending unsolicited email or annoying your friends with commentary about your site, but if you write a site about dogs and don't tell your Doberman loving friend about the fawn dobie photos you just put up on your site, you are missing out on a marketing opportunity.

Keep you customers coming back to the site. If you have a site that changes on a regular basis, and has lots of good information, your readers will return. Get viral and encourage your current cutomers to refer friends to your site, etc.

I also think you need to belong to as many forums and free sign up sites. There are hundreds out there, but if you want a program that manages them all, use the
AutoHits Software package. Normally, this program goes for $99+, but I carry it for for less here:
Auto Hits
