Pageless Books and Success

A Journal of the Creation, Building, Opportunities and Successes of the Home-Based Business Ventures!

Thursday, April 27, 2006


It Starts with a Dream

Brian Tracy

Even if you know nothing about business, you can begin with a dream, an enterprise of the mind, and then build a tangible foundation around the dream.

Seven Simple Steps:

The starting points of many great fortunes have been forged in the following 7 steps:

Number one, set a goal and back it with a burning desire. Don't forget, if you didn't write down your goal, it's not a goal it's just wishful thinking. WRITE IT DOWN!

Number two, begin accumulating capital with a regular savings program. Nothing else is possible without this. You cannot move forward until you start a savings program. To make money, you will need money and need it in reserve.

Number three, use your current job as a springboard to later success. Learn while you earn. Take a long view and let your employer "pay" for your business in education and money.

Number four, experiment in business on a limited scale so you can learn the key abilities necessary for success. EBay, small ventures, and the like are great ways to start.

Number five, search for problems and unmet needs. What products or services you can you supply with high quality and reasonable prices that will fix these problems and meet those needs of your customers?

Number six, read everything you can find on your chosen field remaining flexible and willing to change your mind if you get different information. You must read / listen to audiobooks and educate yourself daily. Be an expert in your field and you will never be without people willing to pay high-dollar for your knowledge and problem-solving.

Number seven, implement your plans with courage and disciplined persistence. Have complete faith in your ability to succeed and never, never ever give up. Most of your competition will give up in months. Hang in there and you will most likely succeed just based on being the only option left when others have given in too easily.

Today's Action:

First, set a goal, make a plan (in writing!) and then launch your plan. Get started. Do something. Begin on a small scale with limited risk and investment but get going! Do something right now to start even if it's buying a notebook solely for your business plan and start journaling the specific goals and dreams of your (sounds nice, doesn't it... YOUR) business.

Second, resolve that, no matter what happens, you will never, never give up until you are successful. You must pass the persistence test. And the test will come far sooner than you imagine. Love your business and stay with it!

Brian Tracy