Pageless Books and Success

A Journal of the Creation, Building, Opportunities and Successes of the Home-Based Business Ventures!

Tuesday, April 18, 2006



Do you know to pause before replying in a conversation? A short pause, of
three to five seconds, is a very polite thing to do in a conversation. When you
pause, you accomplish three things:

First, you avoid rude interrupting if the other person is just catching his or
her breath before continuing.

Second, you indicate, non-verbally, to the other person
that you are actually considering his or her words by not "blurting" your own
comments at the earliest opportunity.

Third, you will actually hear the other person better. His or her words
will gain access to a deeper level of your mind and you will understand
what he or she is saying even more. Not only that, but you may stop the
subconsciously poor habit of trying to think of what you are going to reply with
while someone is talking to you. Pausing, marks you as a caring and very
accomplished conversationalist.