Pageless Books and Success

A Journal of the Creation, Building, Opportunities and Successes of the Home-Based Business Ventures!

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Ebay?... Of Course!

Just a quick aside to say how much I have enjoyed running my AutoHits Software package. I set it up last night and, while I was sleeping, I was getting traffic sent to my sites. I highly recommend getting this program... ok, enough of that, I just think it's cool! Now, on to today's post:


If you are looking for more expert eBay tactics, I can't recommend The Auction Revolution enough! Click here to look at John Reese's Story. I used the great ideas on his site to save $100's of dollars in fees weekly AND I made Power Seller in less than 90 days. No kidding! -Rob

E-bay! It's getting hotter out there.

Selling stuff on

eBay is as easy as looking around your house for something you're not using anymore. Have an old instrument you never got around to learning how to play? Clothes the kids have outgrown? Inherit a collection of antique jars?Why not auction and/or sell them on eBay?!!!

I think it's a good idea to start your eBay career by auctioning off whatever's in your basement, closets or attic. Choose small, low-priced items: they'll be easy to ship, easy to sell, and you won't be risking a lot of cash. These early auctions are mostly for you to gain some experience. If you make some money, that's terrific, but don't jump in HUGE until you have learned from trial, error, fun and experts. It would be a shame for you to try to sell your heirlooms for much less than you expected. It's a good idea to wait until you have a better grasp of the auction process before you try selling or consigning more expensive items.

Items that typically do well on eBay are:

Clothing: Both new and used clothing sells very well on eBay. no one's going to split with their hard-earned money for totally worthless pieces of junk, but if you have some designer shoes that were only worn once because they hurt your feet, there's no reason you can't auction them off for some decent money.

Books, Videos, and Games: These are so easy because you don't even need a digital camera. In most cases, you just put the title, UPC or ISBN number into e-bay and e-bay will do the rest! How hard is that?

Lastly, watch

eBay's Promotional Calendar. Seller Central provides some valuable information and tips. One of the most helpful areas to check out within this section--especially around the holidays--is eBay's promotional calendar, which lets you know the featured categories of products that eBay is going to promote on its homepage over the coming months. If your products are in those categories, you stand a good chance of getting more money and exposure to your listings.

If you are looking for more expert eBay tactics, I can't recommend The Auction Revolution enough! Click here to look at John Reese's Story. I used the great ideas on his site to save $100's of dollars in fees weekly AND I made Power Seller in less than 90 days. No kidding! -Rob

Best profitable wishes, Pagelessbooks