Pageless Books and Success

A Journal of the Creation, Building, Opportunities and Successes of the Home-Based Business Ventures!

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Loving it! I mean, really loving it!!!

I don't know if you can tell, but I love working for myself!

I know that you hear that from the arrogant internet business gurus trying to sell you something, but it's so true. I am totally serious. In fact, every time the e-mail rings (I guess cash registers have gone the way of the ink well), I get excited.

I love owning my businesses and I am astonished at how the internet has, literally, turned the "kitchen" tables on the survival, customer-base and start up resources of small work-from-home businesses. Think of all the great sales, opportunities, friends, and information that you can get on-line now, not to mention the "globalization" from all of the customers I make internationally that couldn't have happened even 15 years ago.


Have you made the decision to start your own business? If not, what's holding you back?

If it's capital, get real! You can get a starter business for as little as 0- $30.

If it's FEAR, see my previous BLOG.

If it's lack of credentials, Give me a break, most winners started out as uneducated nobody's and failures in their peers eyes only to laugh back when they broke free and pursued their own dreams!

If it's lack of drive, just get off your seat-warmer and change your life by doing something, anything to get started... ! I mean, really... Aren't you tired of having to ask someone else for a few hours off or getting told what to do? Do you hate that your efforts pad the pockets of others while leaving you unappreciated and unfulfilled?

If it's lack of an idea, listen to my first pod-cast to get the ideas going.

Do yourself a favor and do SOMETHING to get the ball rolling now. Being in business for yourself is NOT about "do the following 20 steps in order and THEN, and ONLY then, you will be your own boss... That's just crap!!!! In fact, it sounds a lot like what your boss would tell you, so we know to be skeptical... ha ha!

Here, repeat this... first to yourself and then to everyone else:

"Yeah, in addition to working with (not "at") [insert name of slave ship here...]. I have my own company, we are in the beginning phases of a new secret product launch and it's SO exciting, can I send the info to you to look at when it's released?"

CONGRATULATIONS! You have just started your own business! Now drop me a line and tell me about it, so I can give you some suggestions as to how to get started.

In the meantime, Rob