Pageless Books and Success

A Journal of the Creation, Building, Opportunities and Successes of the Home-Based Business Ventures!

Tuesday, February 14, 2006


Welcome to the new

Ok, this will be my business weblog.

I have wanted to keep a journal of my adventure to build a successful business to help others on the same path. I think that the days of the white-collar W-2 employees are going away (or being exported to third world grads). Don't count on an employer to guarantee job security It's up to you and I to learn how to produce financial security for ourselves.

The only way for us to take our financial futures seriously is to shape our own destinies through our own businesses.

So what's the secret? Actually, it isn't a secret...

The key is out there, but you have to know where to look. It starts somewhere and I address this in my website. Come by often and drop me line. Currently, I have 2 businesses functioning on-line and I am working on the third. The deal is for me to have multiple high-productivity income streams coming from businesses that require little upkeep and deliver high-quality goods.

I am rambling. It's 10pm and I am tired from the 12 hour work day. I am too tired to make any sense so I am signing off.