Pageless Books and Success

A Journal of the Creation, Building, Opportunities and Successes of the Home-Based Business Ventures!

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Start a New Stream of Income NOW!

Remember, last time, I told you that attaining a six-figure income is not that difficult because $100,000 a year is only $275 per day. which may seem like a great deal of money to come up with at once, but you don't have to do it all at once! Just commit to coming up with only one business idea / opportunity each month that brings in a consistant average of $23 a day, within a year, you will be there: If you already make $50,000 a year, you only have to come up with a $12 a day idea each month!

See? Not that bad. It's baby steps.

Actually, you could do it on a 2 year plan which takes some of the pressure off. Bottom line is to DO IT and DO IT NOW!

What you will find is that the first two or three ideas take a a little more thought and time, but, don't worry each consecutive time, it gets easier to imagine, identify and act on money-making strategies. Creativity in the business world is no different than in any other realm. The more you think creatively, the more you brian starts to think "outside the box (or cubicle)" without difficulty.

Is your current job going to increase your pay to a six figure salary this year? How about in 2 years? 5 years?

I didn't think so.

That's why it's up to you to increase your own pay and claim your own finanical independence. More on how to do this tomorrow. ..

Best Wishes