Pageless Books and Success

A Journal of the Creation, Building, Opportunities and Successes of the Home-Based Business Ventures!

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

New e-book Coming

Where have I been lately? 2 answers:

1. Sick with the vomits... GROSS! I won't go into further detail, but needless to say, I am glad to be feeling better.

2. While I was sick, I have begun the work on my Blockbuster New e-book due this Spring. The new e-book will go over everything I know about how to successfully start and maintain your own internet income. It will uncover my sure-fire ways to make money, the scams that you can avoid, and will also give practicle business tips for how to stay in business and easily beat the 95% of other businesses that fail in their first year.

I am constantly asked, "how do I get to a point where I can quit my job and work for myself like you did?" It's quite a story and I have learned more in the last 15 years of advising, coaching, and owning start-up businesses than I can imagine. I am boiling all of my knowledge and experience into one easy-to-reference e-book and you will be the second or third to know when it's released!

Who will be first and who will get a special rate on this new book? My FREE newsletter subscribers.

Just so you know, I have revamped my free weekly newsletter. If you haven't subscribed, it's safe, free and, as a bonus for subscribing, I will send you my original e-book, The Top 10 Places to Profit From the Internet, FREE today. DOWNLOAD it for FREE by registering here:

Best wishes!
